Lace Up and Run Podcast

Ep 21 / River to River Relay Post Race Review / Thorogood Hiking Boots

Tim Jarvis / Lindsey Roberts Season 2 Episode 8

Welcome to the Lace Up and Run Podcast. We believe in a fun and active lifestyle with a primary focus on running and hiking. There is a supply of bourbon in the podcast studio so there is pretty much a guarantee there might be some of Kentucky's finest consumed during the show.

Episode 21: 
Lindsey and I talk about our experiences running this year's River to River Relay. After missing the last two years, it felt good to be back out on the course. F*** hills!!!!

If you aren't familiar with the event, it is an 80-mile relay, with a team of 8, traveling from the Mississippi River to the Ohio River across southern Illinois.

Andy with Thorogood Boots joined the show to talk about their hiking boot product line. This was actually a segment taken from the Backwoods Bowhunter podcast. 


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Facebook: @RTSOutfittersMarion & @RTSOutfittersPaducah
Our Facebook Run Group: RTS Runners
Instagram: @RTSOutfitters

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Lace em' up and get after it!